Is It Ok To Adjust Posture During Meditation?

The meditation ‘purists’ among us are always going to tell you how you should meditate…. However, their belief that their way is the best is only based on what has worked best for them. For example, a Guru from India …

What Is The Best Benefit Of Meditation?

There are many reasons why people take up meditation. Most do so for the immediate, short, and medium-term benefits they receive from practicing. These may include stress reduction, pain management, an improved ability to focus, or just some time out …

Can You Meditate Without Crossing Your Legs?

Often when we come across images of meditation, we see people who are sitting with legs crossed in a full lotus position. They look so comfortable, and serene, and it makes sitting cross-legged look so easy…. However, for westerners who …

How Can I Meditate For A Longer Period Of time?

Meditating for a longer period of time can be a desirable goal for many reasons. However, the reality of actually doing it can be difficult, to say the least for many of us. Why is it hard for most people …

Why Is Meditation So Hard?

Our mind is the mechanism we use to perceive the world around us. It gives meaning to all that we experience. And for so long, our minds have been busy trying to make sense of our lives. Through our thoughts, …

What Happens If You Stop Meditating?

OK…. So, if you stop meditating, stuff is going to happen! Is it going to be bad stuff, like end-of-the-world stuff, or just regular stuff that would have happened anyway, regardless of whether you stop your meditation practice or not? …

What To Do When Your Meditation Is Interrupted?

We say ‘interrupted’ as if it’s a bad thing. What to do when your meditation is interrupted?… like it’s a problem! Yes, we certainly may feel that anything disrupting us from our meditation goals is annoying, frustrating, and therefore unwanted. …

Is It Ok To Skip A Day Of Meditation?

There are only a few things in life that you should be concerned about skipping. And to skip a day of meditation is not one of them. – Most of us will die after about 3 minutes if we don’t …

Does Your Back Have To Be Straight When Meditating?

There are many conflicting answers available online to the question “Does Your Back Have To Be Straight When Meditating?” To give a quick and simplistic answer, I would say no, it’s not absolutely necessary to have a straight back when …

Will My Diet Affect Meditation?

Does diet affect meditation? You bet it does! We’ll discuss how and why, but first…… Food means different things to different people. Some choose to consume stuff that has been heavily processed. It’s then stuffed into layers of eye-catching packaging …

Why Do I Vibrate During Meditation?

To vibrate during meditation is not uncommon and it’s nothing to be concerned about. In fact, many long-term meditators have experienced vibrations (and sometimes still do) as well as a wide variety of other sensations during meditation. Meditation, by its …

Is It Better To Meditate In The Dark?

For anyone new to meditation, it’s often better to meditate in the dark. I say this even though it’s not necessary, and it’s not how I began 25-plus years ago. But meditating in the dark does have some advantages over …