Is Mindfulness The Same As Relaxation?

Mindfulness is not the same as relaxation. Even though both are mind-body practices and are often mentioned synonymously, they are generally practiced with different goals in mind. Having said that, some mindfulness practices are used as a way to achieve …

How Do You Live In The Moment When The Moment Sucks?

Figuring out how to stay in the present moment is challenging enough for most people. And it’s made even harder if their present moment sucks…… I mean, really, why would any of us want to remain focused on stuff that …

Can You Change Your Personality?

We are fortunate to be humans. I say this because we are the only species on this beautiful planet that has ‘free will.’ This makes us unique in the respect that we have the ability to design, adjust, or change …

Do subliminal messages work: Can they improve my life?

Subliminal messaging is a term used to describe “the information we receive that is not recognized or understood by the conscious mind, but still has an influence on it.” Or “Information inadequate to produce conscious awareness but able to evoke …