How to start the day to make it a great day!

It’s the sum value of each of our days that determines the quality of our lives. This means that, if we reach the end of each day relaxed, positive, happy, and healthy, then we are guaranteed that our overall life …

Nothing is more important than the way we feel!

Our motivation in life is to always feel good. Everything we want and everything we do is for the expectation that we will feel better for having it or by doing it. Therefore, it’s the result, or the good feeling …

Can our thoughts affect our reality?

Most of us see our thoughts as being an intimate part of us. We believe that our thoughts are ours, and ours alone. Therefore, we don’t have to share them with others if we don’t want to. And because they …

How will my life change as I evolve myself?

As we evolve ourselves, our lives begin to change in ways that many of our family members, friends, and other associates may not understand. And this is perfectly normal and very ok. So don’t be discouraged if they don’t like …

What is evolving and why is evolving ourselves important?

In my post ‘What does to evolve mean?’ I defined evolving as ‘to come forth, gradually, into being more of your potential.’ So, evolving means growing, changing, developing into something more than we currently are. But, what does this actually …

What does ‘to evolve’ mean?

To evolve means “to develop from a simple to a more complex form.” However, for this blog I prefer “to come forth, gradually, into being more of your potential,” after all we’re here to learn about growing as individuals to …

What Is Conscious Living?

The more conscious we are at any moment, the more power we have to ‘shape’ OUR reality to conform to OUR wants, wishes, hopes, goals, and desires. In other words, living consciously is exciting, and rewarding, because we are actively …

Why do I have negative thoughts?

Have you ever stopped your busy life, sat down, relaxed, and brought your attention to your thoughts? Do you think this sounds like a crazy thing to do? If so, you haven’t done it before….. or, you have done it, …

Why Do We Think The Way We Do? How Can It Be Improved

Our thoughts are responsible for attracting ALL the content of our lives. They give our lives shape and meaning, and because of what we are thinking, we form perceptions of how good, or not, our life is. If we can …

Create a better life by overcoming negative thinking.

We are a magnificent spiritual being of light and love, immersed in a game of life, restricted by the purposefully suppressed memories of our true immortal nature. Why would our unlimited spiritual being choose this? For the same reasons we, …

Changing Other People Won’t Solve Our Problems!

Have you ever thought ‘If only they would change this habit or think more like I do, then I will be happier?’ Great concept! However, changing other people in the hopes that we will become happier won’t actually solve our …

12 Tips To Guarantee A Happy And Satisfying Life

From birth, many of us were programmed to accept a regular, mundane, limited, and often boring life. This life often contains just enough ‘fun’ for the average person to enjoy themselves, occasionally- (when they are not making money working at …

The Secret to Your Happiness Lies Within You!

If you think about it, we should be the happiest species on the planet! We have so much more available to us than any previous generation. We have stuff that saves us time and effort, (like washing machines and cars), …

Today can be the best day of your life!

So now you may be thinking something like……What are you talking about? You don’t even know me, so how can you predict that this is going to be the best day of my life? True! I may not know you …

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen.

James Allen’s book “As a Man Thinketh” opens with this verse: “Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes, And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills, Brings forth a …

Secrets of The Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker

I learned a lot from this book ‘secrets of the millionaire mind.’ And I am certain that if you are looking for a way to improve your own net worth and are willing to do what it takes, then you …