Sometimes it seems that the world is run by crazy people!

The world is currently viewed by many as a place full of injustice where it is difficult for the average person to acquire the freedoms to live, happily in abundance, without concerns relating to their future. Those with great power …

Is it fair to judge others based on our expectations?

How often have you heard someone say, ‘If I was him/her I would have said or done things differently!’ as a way of negative judgment against words or an action that someone else has used or taken? Most people believe …

What Is The Meaning Of Intuition And How Can You Develop It?

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Albert Einstein What is Intuition? Intuition, sixth sense, instinct, clairvoyance, ESP …

Is fear limiting your ability to enjoy life?

Have you ever noticed how some people are naturally able to cope with everything that life throws at them, while others seem to lose the plot with any and every inconvenience that comes their way? Have you ever wondered what …

Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

Quote: “The world out there,” he said, waving his arm across the horizon, “is a school, Dan. Life is the only real teacher. It offers many experiences, and if experience alone brought wisdom and fulfillment, then elderly people would all …

Is there such a thing as Evil: Why does it need to exist?

The nature of all physical reality is based on duality, yin, and yang, male and female, in and out, up and down, black and white, etc. Both are necessary and exist synchronistically to maintain overall balance and harmony within the …

Secrets of The Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker

I learned a lot from this book ‘secrets of the millionaire mind.’ And I am certain that if you are looking for a way to improve your own net worth and are willing to do what it takes, then you …