Does Drinking Alcohol Lower Your Vibration?

Alcohol affects you in many ways, and they all negatively impact or lower your vibration. However, a blanket statement like this doesn’t work for everyone and in all circumstances…. and I’ll happily explain why I believe this to be true. …

Does Coffee Lower Your Vibration?

Foods and drinks have an energy/vibration of their own. And when you consume them, their vibration combines with your overall vibration to either raise or lower it. If your vibration is generally low, consuming low-quality/low-vibrational products may not have much …

Why Do I Get Vibes From Other People?

Being able to detect the ‘vibes’ other people are giving off is a gift. Although it may give you the creeps at times, it can also save you from unpleasant encounters, let you know when you ’match’ someone, and even …

How Can I Raise The Vibration In My House?

Our homes should be a place we are really happy to return to, a sanctuary from the hectic lives we live. Just being there should be relaxing, calming, healing, and safe. However, this is often not the case. And unfortunately, …

Why Is Meditation Boring?

If you are finding meditation boring, then it is YOU who is experiencing the sensation of ‘boredom.’ It’s all about your expectations and subsequent feelings. And you are not alone as many people also experience boredom while meditating. Boredom is …

How Should I Breathe During Walking Meditation?

As with all questions, there are multiple answers. Different people you ask will have learned a variety of techniques. And of course, they will tell you what has worked best for them. Ultimately, you need to find your own way. …

Is It Ok To Adjust Posture During Meditation?

The meditation ‘purists’ among us are always going to tell you how you should meditate…. However, their belief that their way is the best is only based on what has worked best for them. For example, a Guru from India …

Rewrite History Healing Program Review

Our history, everything that we have done, and everything that has happened to us, has made us who we are today. And we all have a history that included some negative stuff… and the worse it was, the deeper most …

What Is The Best Benefit Of Meditation?

There are many reasons why people take up meditation. Most do so for the immediate, short, and medium-term benefits they receive from practicing. These may include stress reduction, pain management, an improved ability to focus, or just some time out …

Can You Meditate Without Crossing Your Legs?

Often when we come across images of meditation, we see people who are sitting with legs crossed in a full lotus position. They look so comfortable, and serene, and it makes sitting cross-legged look so easy…. However, for westerners who …

Is Mindfulness The Same As Relaxation?

Mindfulness is not the same as relaxation. Even though both are mind-body practices and are often mentioned synonymously, they are generally practiced with different goals in mind. Having said that, some mindfulness practices are used as a way to achieve …

How Can I Manifest Anything Quickly?

To manifest anything quickly simply requires that you become a vibrational match to your desire. Albert Einstein said it best when he said: “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you …

How Do You Deal With Current Reality While Manifesting?

Current reality is in our faces all the time. And if what’s going on is not what we are wanting, we’re not going to be happy. That’s pretty much central to human nature…. Get what you want, happy…. Don’t get …

How Can I Manifest Multiple Things At Once?

You already can, and do manifest multiple things at once. However, if you’re asking this question, it means you’re still not yet fully ‘tuned in’ to how things are manifested. So, in this article I’ll explain: – How manifestation works, …