Is It Better To Meditate In The Morning Or At Night?

So, you already know about the numerous benefits of meditating that encompass better mental, emotional, and physical well-being. And now you want to know when is the best time to meditate to get these benefits and more. In this article, …

What Is The Magnetic Pulling Sensation During Meditation?

A magnetic pulling sensation during meditation is a common experience and is not something you should be worried about… (unless you are experiencing pain in which case you have a physical complaint and should consult a medical professional.) However, for …

How Often Should You Meditate and For How Long?

Meditation is a practice that has been around for centuries and is experiencing a growth in popularity today. Meditation is primarily used as a tool to improve focus, reduce stress, and increase mindfulness. And although there are many different types …

What Are The 7 Most Popular Forms Of Meditation?

Meditation is a practice that has been around for centuries, and it is still growing in popularity in the West. This is because meditation helps to cultivate a more focused mind, reduces stress levels, and enhances overall well-being in many …

What Are Some Anchors You Can Use In Meditation?

It’s very common to experience the mind wandering off on its own while meditating. It happens for beginners and often for long-term meditators as well. Our minds, if untrained, love to regurgitate information about the past or go to thoughts …

How Do You Use Your Breath As An Anchor In Meditation

Finding inner peace and calm in today’s fast-paced world is difficult… but also crucial for our overall well-being. There is so much going on in our lives that it’s easier to be out of balance than it is to remain …

What Is The True Power Behind Meditation?

Consider that your mind is like a house for your thoughts. Most people have lots of unwanted thoughts/guests in their houses…. Some of them are loud and angry, others, lazy and disorganized, and some just don’t respect you at all. …

Is It Better To Meditate Before Or After Exercise?

There are benefits to meditating both before and after exercise. And the best answer for you will depend on the types of meditation and exercise you are doing as well as what your goals are. Meditation (mind-based) and exercise (body-based) …

Why Do I Lose Awareness Of My Body When I Meditate?

Deep meditation can put you into a ‘superconscious state.’ All this means is that you go beyond your normal conscious waking state and are no longer consciously aware of your body, mind, and emotions. It is a state that is …

How Do You Deal With A Numb Leg While Meditating?

Numbness and discomfort are common sensations that nearly everyone who meditates has experienced for some period or as an ongoing condition. For some, the sensations dissipate over time as their bodies adjust to the meditative postures they adopt. And yet …

What Are The 7 Main Benefits Of Meditating?

Meditation can be considered to be the most accessible personal development tool on the planet. I say this because anyone can learn to meditate. It doesn’t matter where you are, how old you are, what skills you currently have or …

Does Meditation Help With Anger Issues?

Are you someone who is struggling with anger issues? If so, you may be interested to know that practicing meditation has been proven to be beneficial for people like you. Meditation can help you to become more self-aware, gain more …

Why Do I Feel High After Meditation?

Meditation practices are thousands of years old and have persisted because they work. Meditating gives a sense of relief from the stresses of daily life and also allows a glimpse into a better, more enlightened reality that is available for …

Why Is Meditation Boring?

If you are finding meditation boring, then it is YOU who is experiencing the sensation of ‘boredom.’ It’s all about your expectations and subsequent feelings. And you are not alone as many people also experience boredom while meditating. Boredom is …

How Should I Breathe During Walking Meditation?

As with all questions, there are multiple answers. Different people you ask will have learned a variety of techniques. And of course, they will tell you what has worked best for them. Ultimately, you need to find your own way. …